Blessing of the Quilts

Prayer Quilt Organization (

Prayers & Squares is an interfaith outreach organization that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. Unlike many other groups that make quilts for charitable causes, the purpose of Prayers & Squares is not to make and distribute quilts, but to promote prayer through the use of quilts.

Member Chapters agree to follow these "Three Commandments" of Prayers & Squares:

  1. Remember the Prayers & Squares motto: “It’s not about the quilt, it’s all about the prayers.”
  2. The purpose of your ministry must be to promote an active prayer life among the participants, not just to make and give away quilts. Strive to involve as many people as possible in your prayer efforts.
  3. You must ASK before you give the gift of a prayer quilt; surprises are not appropriate. Ask if the person to receive the quilt will accept your gift of prayer. Ask what they would like you to pray for. Ask what information about their situation may be shared with others.

Do not accept any form of payment for a prayer quilt; it is a gift of love and prayer which cannot be bought or sold. Those who request or receive prayer quilts must not be made to feel obligated to Prayers & Squares in any way.

Each quilt is dedicated with a prayer created by the receiver or the family. Each quilt is blessed and knots tied at our local Anglican Churches (St Paul's and St Albans) and then at the next Adolphustown / Conway worship service.

At Adolphustown Conway Pastoral Charge, we perform a moving liturgy that includes everyone. The Minister starts off the prayer liturgy and then there are five short prayers that are proclaimed by various faith community members.
After this liturgy is completed, all who wish are asked to come forward and the prayer, as written by the individual, is proclaimed.

After the service, all are encouraged to come forward and tie a knot in the quilt and pray for Jesus comfort for the individual and the family.

There are 1,252 chapters of the international, non-denominational, interfaith prayers and squares prayer quilt ministry spread across thirteen countries.

Country Church Friends, chapter 555 is one active chapter started in 2006 now celebrating 11+ years.

We consist of a group of friends from the Anglican Churches of St. Alban, Adolphustown, St. Paul’s, Sandhurst and the United Churches of Conway and Adolphustown and of course our community at large.

Approximately 12–15 gather 5–6 times per year with fun and fellowship to design and engineer prayer quilts and prayer squares for those in need of prayer. Those in need of a prayer quilt are seen as any person in physical, emotional or spiritual crisis, difficult family situations, personal crisis or grief, who feel like they can benefit from being “covered in prayer”.

We bless these quilts during our church service. The next week the quilt is blessed at our Anglican local church service. The quilt is then delivered to the individual with the blessings and prayers of these two faith communities.

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